In order to determine your child's little league age for the proper division placement check the
Little League Baseball Age Chart.T-Ball is for boys and girls Little League age 4-5 years old who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In T-Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching at this level. The primary goals of T-Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. Rosters may be composed of between 8-11 players. No kid pitching is permitted in this division.
Players may only register in T-Ball at Little League age 6, if they are a first year player.
Practices for T-Ball begin in April, you will not be contacted by your Coach until that time. All of the other divisions will already be playing games by the time T-Ball begins - so don't panic! We have not forgotten you! T-ball season typically goes until the second week of June.
There are generally 1-2 practices per week during the T-ball season and/or 1-2 games per week. There will typically be three days per week combining the practices and games.
Games are played during the week and also on Saturdays. Final practice and game schedules will be communicated by the coach to their team members.
Players will need a mitt, helmet and cleats. Many players will opt to have their own baseball bats, but some will be provided for the team by the league. Players should anticipate wearing baseball pants or sweats to practices. Most teams will coordinate grey baseball pants to go with the team uniforms.
Players are provided with a game jersey and hat for their team by the league.
Please see Policies- Bylaws 2024 for more information
Required Equipment: Helmet, mitt, cleats.
Registration Fee: $100